Student Final Exam Responsibilities
Last Updated: February 21, 2025 4:16:39 PM PST
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Read about the responsibilities for the final exam schedule.
- When enrolling in classes, students should check the final exam schedule to avoid having multiple final exams on the same day.
- If the situation is unavoidable, ask the instructors about alternative scheduling. Faculty are not obligated to accommodate the request.
- Read background information on exams.
- If a student anticipates a conflict or need for religious accommodation for an exam, he or she must submit a statement of conflict, including religious affiliation, to the instructor no later than the end of Week 2 of instruction.
- Read the Academic Senate policy on exams.
- All final exams must be given during the scheduled times.
- Any student who finds it impossible to take a final exam on the date scheduled must make arrangements with the instructor.
- Deviations from the Academic Senate policy must be approved in advance by the Committee on Courses acting through the Committee on Educational Policy (CEP).
- If a change in time is approved, the final exam may be offered at the newly scheduled time. However, the final exam must also remain available to students at the original time.
- When notified by a student, if a conflict with the student's religious beliefs does exist, the instructor will attempt to provide an alternative, equitable examination which does not create undue hardship.
- The Registrar's Office will send a Schedule of Final Examinations to each department by the end of Week 7.
- Any schedule changes must be cleared with the Registrar's Office by 4:30 p.m. on the Monday of Week 9.
- Copies of the completed final exam schedule are then sent to the college provost offices and to the Registrar's general service area for student information.
The university makes reasonable efforts to accommodate students who have religious conflicts with scheduled exams by providing alternative times or methods to take the exams.
- As noted above:
- If a student anticipates a conflict in class or exam, he or she must submit a statement of conflict, including religious affiliation, to the instructor no later than the end of Week 2 of instruction.
- If a conflict with the student's religious beliefs does exist, the instructor attempts to provide an equitable alternative.
- Read the Academic Senate policy regarding religious accommodation.