Computer and Email Accounts
Last Updated: September 26, 2024 4:15:12 PM PDT
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Learn how to set up your student login accounts, get your email, connect to the UC San Diego network, or find help with any of these tasks.
Set up your student account
If you're a new UC San Diego student, a Student SSO and Active Directory (AD) account will be created for you.
- To set up your accounts, complete the new applicant setup process. You should receive an email after you submit your SIR, with instructions and information.
- More info: Activate and access your new student account
Access email
- Undergraduate students, access your UC San Diego email 24 hours after creating your account with these instructions: Check UCSD Gmail from the Web.
- Most graduate students are provided Gmail mailboxes within 2–3 business days, which may be accessed following these instructions: Check UCSD Gmail from the Web.
- More info: How to read your email
Access your course websites
If you live on campus, connect to the UC San Diego network
Get assistance from the ITS Service Desk:
- Email:
- Phone: (858) 246-4357, 7 a.m. — 10 p.m. weekdays and noon — 3 p.m. weekends
- Report a problem online
- Office location, walk-in help desk, and more info