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How to Withdraw From UC San Diego (Undergraduates)

Find out how to withdraw from UC San Diego as an undergraduate student.

Important notes:

  • Only if you are a first-time undergraduate student and wish to withdraw from the University prior to or on the first day of instruction, you must notify the Admissions Office directly (see detailed instructions below).

Undergraduate students, find out what you need to know about withdrawing from UCSD. For information on withdrawing from Summer Session, review the Summer Session calendar and e-mail

If you are a first-time student and wish to withdraw from the University prior to or on the first day of instruction, you must log onto the Applicant Portal to notify the Office of Admissions of your decision. If you are an applicant, scroll down to the I Want To section and select “Withdraw my Application”. If you accepted an offer of admission and are no longer attending UC San Diego, please select “Decline My Offer of Admission after Acceptance”. If you are requesting a withdrawal after the first day of instruction, you must complete the Undergraduate Withdrawal Form.

Carefully consider your decision to withdraw:

  1. Check with your college advisor to discuss the details and consequences of withdrawal.
  2. Consider the effect on your academic history:
    • If you withdraw before or during weeks 1-4, no course entries will appear on your transcript.
      Note: If you drop certain laboratory courses after the second scheduled meeting period, you'll receive a "W" grade. Refer to the quarterly schedule of classes for specific labs affected.
    • If you withdraw after the first day of instruction, the notation "Withdrew DD-MM-YY" will appear on your academic transcript under the quarter the withdrawal took place.
    • If you withdraw during weeks 5-6, a "W" grade will appear on your transcript for each course in which you are enrolled. Academic regulations permit only one "W" per course.
    • Filing your form promptly helps you avoid undeserved "F" grades and generates the maximum fee refund.
    • Although you cannot withdraw in weeks 7-11, you can request Incomplete grades if appropriate. (See additional information about grades.). Please contact your college advising office if you believe you qualify for incompletes in any courses.
    • Exceptions to the Week 6 withdrawal deadline are rarely granted and will only be reviewed in cases involving technical problems with TritonLink or documented serious personal circumstances (e.g., hospitalization) which prevented the timely submission of the request.
    • Please see your college advising office for guidance. 
  3. Consider the effect on your financial aid awards and loans:
  4. Consider the effect on your Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP):
    • If you receive health care through SHIP, contact Student Health Services for advice about how withdrawing may impact your coverage.
  5. Consider the cost of your tuition: 
    • The tuition rate you were given upon accepting your offer of admission is only valid for 6 years regardless if you are enrolled in classes or not.  More information about your tuition rate may be found on the Tuition Stability Plan website. 
  6. Schedule of Refunds:
    • Pertains only to Fall, Winter and Spring quarters. For information about Summer Session refunds, link to the Summer Session calendar.
    • Refers to calendar days (includes weekends and holidays), beginning with the first day of instruction (Day 1)
    • Recognizes the "date of withdrawal" as the day you file your withdrawal form. If you claim an earlier date of withdrawal, and therefore a higher refund, you must submit written evidence, to support your claim of extenuating circumstances, to your college or the Graduate Division.
    • Applies to all quarterly registration fees. "Percent of Registration Fees refund" does not apply to Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). In certain cases, SHIP may not be refunded.

Schedule of Refunds
Number of days into quarter 0-1 days 2-7 days 8-18 days 19-35 days 36 days and over
Percent of Registration Fees refund 100% 90% 50% 25% 0%
Percent of SHIP refund 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%


2024-2025 Academic Year Schedule of Refunds
Term Percentage of Registration Fees Refunded
100% 90% 50% 25% 0%
Winter 2025 Until 1/6 1/7 - 1/12 1/13 - 1/23 1/24 - 2/9 2/10 and after
Spring 2025 Until 3/31 4/1 - 4/6 4/7 - 4/17 4/18 - 5/4 5/5 and after

Follow these steps if you decide to withdraw:

  1. Complete the Undergraduate Request for Withdrawal (E-Form) if:
    • You are in the first 6 weeks of the current quarter OR

    • You are enrolled for next quarter and want to cancel your classes
  2. If you receive financial aid and are enrolled in Summer Session and drop all summer courses, your electronic withdrawal request will be submitted to the Registrar's Office.

Make sure you complete other essential tasks:

  1. If you live on campus, contact your college's Residence Life office.
  2. If you have a parking permit, contact Transportation and Parking Services to return your permit and avoid being billed for the full year.
  3. If you plan to be absent for 2 quarters or more after the term you have withdrawn, learn how to request to return to UC San Diego after an absence. to UC San Diego as an undergraduate student. 

Withdrawing for Active Duty Deployment

For undergraduate students who are called to active duty in the United States Military as a result of national emergency or as a result of mobilization of reserve forces, including the National Guard, and re-enroll at the university the time remaining in their six-year cohort period will be extended. Students should submit a copy of their orders with their request to return to UC San Diego. Contact for more information regarding cohort period extension.

If you have questions, contact your college.

International Students:

Contact the International Student Office, (858) 534-3730, before you withdraw.