About Grades
Last Updated: October 25, 2018 12:02:32 PM PDT
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Find out how letter grades affect your GPA and degree requirements. Also read about P/NP, S/U, I, IP, W, and blank grades.
What grades mean to you:
- A, B, C, D, or F grades reflect your performance in a class and result in grade points that count toward your GPA. You must be enrolled in a class through the ninth week of instruction to earn one of the following grades:
- A+, A, A- = Excellent
- B+, B, B- = Good
- C+, C, C- = Fair
- D = Poor
- F = Fail
- P/NP and S/U (Pass/ Not Pass and Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory) show that you've either passed or not passed a class. Classes with P and S grades count toward your unit requirements for a degree but do not apply to your GPA.
- I (Incomplete) indicates that you have requested extra time to complete a class because of circumstances beyond your control (e.g., illness or a family emergency). If you don't complete the class, an Incomplete will become a permanent F, NP, or U.
- IP (In Progress) signifies classes that extend over more than one quarter. If you see an IP on your academic history, check with your department advisor.
- W (Withdraw) doesn't affect your GPA. It is assigned in these situations:
- You drop a class or withdraw from UC San Diego after the deadline to withdraw without a W. See the Quarterly Timeline with Deadlines.
- You drop certain labs after the second scheduled meeting.
- A student may receive a maximum of one "W" per course, per Academic Senate Regulations.
- A blank entry after a class means that the instructor didn't assign a grade. If you don't contact your instructor to resolve the blank grade before the end of the next quarter, the grade will become a permanent F, NP, or U.
Questions? Contact:
- Your department advisor
- Your college advisor
- Registrar's Office, (858) 534-3144