Explanation of Fees
Read about mandatory tuition, registration, and other miscellaneous fees, which are subject to change.
UC System Fees:
Charged to all registered students, provides general support for the University's operating budget, including costs related to general campus and health sciences faculty and instructional support; libraries and other academic support; student services; institutional support; and operation and maintenance of plant. Tuition revenue is also used to provide student financial support.
Student Services Fee
Charged to all registered students and funds services that are necessary to students but not part of the University’s programs of instruction, research, or public service. The majority of the fee funds are spent on student services, including counseling and career guidance, cultural and social activities, and student health services. In addition, some Student Services Fee revenue is used for capital improvements that provide extracurricular benefits for students.
Nonresident Supplemental Tuition
Charged to nonresident students in addition to mandatory charges and any applicable Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition charges, in lieu of State support for the cost of education.
Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition
Charged to students enrolled in a number of professional degree programs to support instruction and specifically to sustain and enhance program quality.
UC San Diego Campus Fees:
Campus Activity Fee
Voted by a student referendum to support student activities on campus.
CAPS/Student Mental Health Fee
Voted by a student referendum to expand and increase mental health services to all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.
Graduate Association Fee (graduate students only)
Supports social, cultural, and education events for graduate students.
Health Insurance
Provides health insurance for all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.
ICA Student Activity Fee (undergraduates only)
Supports UC San Diego intercollegiate athletic teams.
Recreation Facility Fee
Voted by a student referendum to support student recreation on campus.
Student Transportation Fee
Voted by a student referendum to support mass-transit services to students.
University Center Fee
Covers construction and operation of the Student Centers.
Other Miscellaneous Fees:
UCSA Fee (Undergraduate Students)
Supports the UC Student Association. This fee is a non-mandatory opt out fee, and students may opt out of being charged via TritonLink. Learn more about the UCSA fee (PDF).
UCGPC Fee (Graduate Students)
Supports the UC Graduate and Professional Council (inclusive of students in self-supporting graduate degree programs). This fee is a non-mandatory opt out fee, and students may opt out of being charged via TritonLink. Learn more about the UCGPC fee (PDF).
One-Time International Student Visa Administration Fee
One-Time Document Fee
One-time fee charged to all new students that allows for standard order and processing of transcripts, verifications, co-curricular records and first replacement diploma.
One-Time Graduate Doctoral Candidacy Fee (graduate students only)
Covers costs and services related to the eventual processing and submission of the Doctoral Dissertation. Only applicable to doctoral students and assessed upon advancing to candidacy.
One-Time Graduate Thesis Submission Fee (graduate students only)
Covers costs and services related to submission of the Master's Thesis. Only applicable to Plan I master's students upon degree completion.
Graduate Filing Fee in Lieu of Registration (graduate students only)
For the use of unregistered graduate students who have completed all degree requirements, in order to establish a fee relationship with the University if the degree conferral will be in a quarter in which the student is not registered.
Graduate Readmission Fee (graduate students only)
With approval for readmission, this fee is assessed for a student not on an approved leave of absence whose status has lapsed due to an interruption in registration.
Cost of Attendance
To see estimated cost of attendance information that includes tuition and fees, living expenses (i.e. food and housing), books, course materials, and more, please see the Financial Aid and Scholarships Cost of Attendance page.