Greek Life Lecture Series

Learn about legal education programs offered by Student Legal Services especially for Greek organizations.
Student Legal Services (SLS) understands that student members of some Greek organizations face unique challenges. We tailor our legal education series to your interests and needs.
See the Greek-oriented workshop topics below, and review our complete list of workshop topics for other education ideas that can be offered as-is, or customized to fit your group's requirements.
Personal and Chapter Enrichment
Many Greek organizations provide members with biweekly educational programs. At your organization's request, Student Legal Services designs presentations to give your members relevant legal knowledge.
Financial Liability
Most Greek organizations incorporate community service into their social events and activities. We help officers identify and address areas of possible financial liability, assist you with problems, or refer to you to a local attorney as needed.
Party Time, Not Jail Time
Because many Greek organizations have a substantial social element, we've developed a workshop that educates Greeks about the legal consequences of underage drinking (minor-in-possession, DUI, fake ID, etc.) and illegal drug use.