Residence Hall Lecture Series

Learn about legal education programs offered by Student Legal Services especially for students residing in UCSD residence halls (and their resident advisors).
See the workshop topics below, and review our complete list of workshop topics for other education ideas that can be offered as-is, or customized to fit the needs of students at your college or dorm. We will present these workshops in your residence hall.
Resident Advisor Training
We know that residents look to their RAs as the source of many types of information. Student Legal Services is pleased to attend RA training sessions to share information about the services we offer. We also can provide flyers about our program and educational materials.
Moving Off Campus Lecture Series
The trial of moving off campus for the first time is one issue that faces students living in the dorms. Recognizing this challenge, we team up with the Office of Student Services to present a lecture series about moving off campus. Integrating lecture with discussion, this workshop prepares students to find suitable off-campus housing.