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How to Declare a Double Major (Undergraduates)

If you're an undergraduate and you want to declare a double major, follow these steps:

About double majors

  • A student in good standing may petition to declare a double major.
  • Courses taken in fulfillment of lower-division requirements may overlap.
  • The two majors may not be within the School of Engineering, nor, except with the approval of the Undergraduate Council, within a single department.

Declare a double major

1. Make sure you meet the requirements.

  • To declare a double major, you must plan to:
    • Satisfy the requirements for BOTH majors, including 10 upper-division courses (40 units) unique to each major.
    • Complete the two majors in six quarters for transfer students or twelve quarters for first-year students.
    • Meet with both departments/programs and your college to discuss your academic plan.
    • Read the Academic Senate policy on double majors (A-3).
    • Review Upper Division Course Overlap.

2. Obtain and complete a Double Major Petition.

    1. Complete a Double Major Petition (PDF).
    2. Prepare an Academic Planning Worksheet (Link to copy a Google Sheet):
      • List all requirements for both majors as well as college and University requirements.
      • List all courses, including completed, in progress, and proposed.
      • Write a brief Statement of Purpose explaining your reasoning for completing two majors.

3. Submit the petition.

    1. Submit the Double Major Petition, Academic Planning Worksheet, and Statement of Purpose to major departments/programs for review.
    2. If approved by both departments/programs, submit all documents to your college academic advising office for final review.

4. Check the status of your petition.

    1. Your College Academic Advising Office will notify you regarding the status of your request via the Virtual Advising Center.
    2. View your Academic History to confirm that both majors appear online. Allow five working days for processing after approval by the college.
If you have questions, contact the appropriate resource: