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Tutoring and Study Programs by Department

UC San Diego offers numerous tutoring and study assistance programs, most of them free of charge. Use these links to find a tutoring or support program that's right for you.

Even if you don't see your subject or class listed, many departments still offer private tutoring for a fee. Check with the department or your college advisor for details.

Also, be sure to check out other academic resources available at UC San Diego.


Department resources Other campus resources

Biology advising schedule: Appointments and walk-in times are available.

Biology information sessions: Includes workshops, events, and resources to enhance your student experience.

Teaching + Learning Commons:

Biological Sciences Research Guide: Use the Library's list of online and print resources including online encyclopedias and electronic journals.


Department resources Other campus resources

Private tutoring recommendations are available through the department. E-mail or call (858) 534-4856.

Teaching + Learning Commons:

IDEA Learning Center: Engineering Learning Communities (ELCs) are formal study groups for Chemistry and other courses. Check the website to see what's offered this quarter.

OASIS 6 and 40 series workshops: Sign up as soon as possible. Workshops begin the 2nd week of classes. Drop-in tutoring hours are also available.

Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Guide: Use the Library's list of online and print resources including online encyclopedias and electronic journals.

Engineering (including computer science)

Department resources Other campus resources

Electrical and Computer Engineering Tutoring Center: Daily tutoring walk-ins are welcome; appointments and group tutoring available on request.

Computer Science: Contact the Computer Science and Engineering Department for tutoring assistance.

Teaching + Learning Commons: Study groups for SE 101A-B

IDEA Learning Center: Engineering Learning Communities (ELCs) are formal study groups that bring engineering students into a supportive environment to develop confidence, strengthen study skills, and learn the value of collaborative study. Check the website to see what's offered this quarter.

Eta Kappa Nu: Offers tutoring for engineering/ECE majors

Engineering Research Guides: Use the Library's list of online and print resources including online encyclopedias and electronic journals.

English / ESL

Linguistics / languages

Department resources Other campus resources

The Language Laboratory, AP&M Room 3432A (map), (858) 534-2418, has supplemental language tapes, books for UC language courses, and self-instructed courses in a wide variety of languages.

Heritage Language Program: Learn about classes designed for students who learned a language different language at home, such as Vietnamese, Arabic or Tagalog.

Language conversation tables: International House sponsors these informal weekly gatherings for native speakers and learners of foreign languages (all levels welcome).


Department resources Other campus resources

MATLAB Tutoring for Math 18 and Math 20D

Get help reading mathematics and creating proofs from UC San Diego professor Edward Bender.

Private tutoring also available through the department. E-mail or call (858) 534-3590.

Teaching + Learning Commons:

  • Free content tutoring with appointments or drop-in hours, in person or online, for Math 10A/B/C, 11, 18, 20A/B/C/D/E, 102, 109, 170A
  • Supplemental instruction (free peer-assisted weekly study sessions) for Math 10A/B/C, 18, 20A/B/C

OASIS Math & Science Tutorial Program (MSTP)

  • Math 2, 3C, 4C: Free group study-sessions and supplemental instruction
  • Math 2, 3B, 3C, 4C: Drop-in study tables and group tutoring Monday through Friday, 10am to 5pm in OASIS Room 378, located on the 3rd floor of Center Hall
  • Weekly drop-in tutoring at campus resource centers (check the center websites for dates/times)

IDEA Learning Center: Engineering Learning Communities (ELCs) are formal study groups for Math and other courses. Check the website to see what's offered this quarter.

Mathematics & Statistics Research Guides: Use the Library's list of online and print resources including online encyclopedias, books, and electronic journals.

UC San Diego SUMS: Society of Undergraduate Mathematics Students:

Medicine / pharmacy (and pre-med)

Campus resources

Educational Support Services for UC San Diego Medical and Pharmacy School students

Health Beat: The centralized pre-med and pre-health advising office at the Career Center, offering strategic planning, 4-year plans, resources, events, classes and more to help you become a competitive applicant to medical school or other health professional schools (i.e., pharmacy, dentistry, physician assistant (PA), nursing, occupational therapy/ physical therapy, veterinary medicine, public health and more)

Health & Medical Professions Preparation Program (HMP3): This student-run group offers meetings, test preparation and other support to students preparing for careers in the health professions

Health Sciences Research Guides: Use the Library's list of online and print resources including online encyclopedias, books, and electronic journals.


Campus resources

Teaching + Learning Commons:

IDEA Learning Center: Engineering Learning Communities (ELCs) are formal study groups for Physics and other courses. Check the website to see what's offered this quarter.

OASIS Physics 1/2 series workshops: Sign up as soon as possible. Workshops begin the 2nd week of classes. Drop-in tutoring hours are also available.

Physics & Astronomy Research Guides: Use the Library's list of online and print resources including online encyclopedias, books, and electronic journals.

If you have questions or need further help:

  • Ask your professor or TA for advice or private assistance.
  • Contact the Student Affairs advisor in your department, or your college advisor.