Legal Resources
Last Updated: July 5, 2022 5:35:37 PM PDT
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Link to the Student Legal Services Handbook, legal forms, and other resources.
Legal resources
- Student Legal Services Handbook: Advice and information about many legal topics
- Resources for Pre-Law Students: Service-learning, internships, links, suggested reading, and more
- Introduction to U.S. and California Law (PDF)
- California Tenants Guide (or the Spanish PDF version), produced by the California Department of Consumer Affairs
Legal history and education
- Check out legal and historical documents like the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence
- Find out how the University of California celebrates Constitution Day each September
- SLS Programming Request: List your needs for a customized legal education workshop for your student group or organization. (Read more).
Questions? Contact Student Legal Services, (858) 534-4374.