Student Legal Services: Parking and Directions
Last Updated: March 15, 2024 4:51:59 PM PDT
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Visit us in person on the 5th floor, north wing of the Student Services Center, Suite 527.
The building is located at the corner of Rupertus Way and Myers Drive, near the Price Center (map).
Mailing address and phone numbers
University of California, San DiegoStudent Legal Services
9460 Russell Lane, MC 0034
La Jolla, CA 92093-0034
Phone: (858) 534-4374
Fax: (858) 822-4785
Office and phone hours
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Closed: Noon – 1 p.m.
Visitor Parking
- Valid permits: UCSD A, B, and S (student) parking permits are valid in the Gilman Parking Structure (map), in the matching marked spaces.
- Metered parking is sometimes available along Myers Drive (1-hour limit), or on the 1st and 2nd floors of the Gilman Parking Structure (2-hour limit). Meters are 25 cents for 15 minutes.
- Visitor permits can be purchased for 1 to 6 hours or for the entire day at parking permit kiosks (located around parking lots) or the main Gilman Parking Office on the 2nd floor of the Gilman Parking Structure (map). Park on Level 5 of the Gilman Parking Structure in the spaces marked with a white V, and place your purchased permit on the car dashboard.
- Read more about visitor parking at UCSD.
Driving directions
- From Interstate 5 south:
- Take Interstate 5 South to the La Jolla Village Drive exit.
- Turn right (west) at the end of the ramp.
- Turn right at the light onto Villa La Jolla Drive.
- Turn left at the 2nd light onto Gilman Drive. (Go straight through the Gilman Drive intersection if you're parking in the Gilman Parking Structure.)
- Turn right at the stop sign at Myers Drive; Student Legal Services is on the 5th floor (north wing) of the Student Services Center (map), about 2 blocks down on the right side of the street (the campus loop).
- From Interstate 5 north:
- Take Interstate 5 North to the Gilman Drive exit.
- Turn left (west) at the end of the ramp.
- Continue on Gilman Drive for about 2.5 miles.
- Turn left at the stop sign at Myers Drive; Student Legal Services is on the 5th floor (north wing) of the Student Services Center (map), about 2 blocks down on the right side of the street (the campus loop).
Questions? Contact Student Legal Services, (858) 534-4374.