Counseling on Legal Topics
Last Updated: September 13, 2022 4:07:35 PM PDT
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Student Legal Services provides counseling on legal topics (as well as education and referrals) for registered UCSD students and student clubs and organizations.
About counseling at Student Legal Services
- All initial sessions are scheduled by appointment only, as we must verify student status by checking your valid student ID card.
- To make a counseling appointment, contact Student Legal Services, (858) 534-4374.
- All counseling sessions are confidential. We won't tell anyone that you consulted with our office, nor will we reveal to anyone the details of what was discussed.
- You may bring a friend, parent, or another person to the session, but we'll ask you to sign a confidentiality waiver that allows us to discuss the facts of your case with another person.
- Please be aware that Student Legal Services does not provide ongoing representation to students. Should you need representation, our attorneys can refer you to a private attorney and/or identify resources to help you get the assistance you need. Before you meet with a Student Legal Services attorney or a private attorney, read about how to talk with an attorney.
Counseling for individuals
- We're able to assist students with civil, criminal, and UCSD Conduct Code-related issues.
- If you have concerns related to sexual assault or violence, you can also contact the Center for Advocacy, Resources, and Education (CARE, formerly SARC).
- We offer a preventive legal education workshop series covering numerous topics. Take a look at this quarter's events schedule to see if any of the topics would help you (or learn about planning a workshop designed for your needs).
Counseling for clubs and student organizations
- Members may meet with someone on our staff to discuss any legal problems or concerns facing the organization.
- We also offer a preventive legal education series. Some regularly scheduled topics may be of interest to your group. We can also design workshops for your specific student organization. For example, we can conduct a patent and intellectual property law workshop for the Computer Engineering Club. Learn more about planning a custom workshop designed for your group's needs.