Upcoming Office Closures:
- Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day
- Tuesday, February 25 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
- Friday, March 28 in observance of Cesar Chavez Day
Plan your academics, engage in research and find academic success.
Learn about enrollment information for students and faculty and access important portals.
Learn about academic records and how to update them.
Learn about financial aid and fees, as well as job and internship resources.
Have a Question?
Select a topic from the dropdown below and we'll point you to the right people. If applicable, make sure to include your student PID so we can better assist you.
Enrollment and Registration Issues
For issues with EASy, WebReg, appointment time, etc., please email registrar@ucsd.edu. Make sure to include your PID so we can better assist you.Transcripts
Transcript Orders: Visit How to Order a Transcript for information on transcript orders. Contact transcripthelp@ucsd.edu with any additional questions you have about your order. If applicable, make sure to include your student PID so we can better assist you.
Transfer Credit (Undergraduates): See our step-by-step directions on how to transfer courses.
Do you have more transfer credit questions?
- If you are a new, incoming student or within your first term at UC San Diego, contact admissionsreply@ucsd.edu.
- If you have completed your first term at UC San Diego, contact academicrecords@ucsd.edu.
Visit How to Request Verification Documents for more information on how to obtain official documentation of enrollment.
Documents that need to be completed by the Office of the Registrar can be submitted to verificationhelp@ucsd.edu. If applicable, make sure to include your student PID so we can better assist you.
Account Login Issues
Trouble signing in? Visit our informational page to find out how to troubleshoot getting into your account.
Residency for Tuition Purposes
Connect with a Residence Deputy at residencedeputy@ucsd.edu. If applicable, make sure to include your student PID so we can better assist you. You can also visit About Residence for Tuition Purposes for more information.
Name and SSN/ITIN Changes
Name Changes: View our informational pages on how to change your legal name and/or preferred name.
SSN/ITIN Changes: Visit our informational page on how to correct your SSN or ITIN on your student record.
Billing, Payments and Refunds
Please redirect your question to Student Financial Solutions (SFS).
- If you are a current student, you can submit a ticket through the UC San Diego Services & Support portal.
- If you are a non-current student or parent who does not have Active Directory (AD) credentials, please use the Guest Support feature.
Summer Session Enrollment
Questions regarding tuition, fees and registration for summer session courses can be emailed to summer@ucsd.edu.
Veteran Benefits
Connect with our Veteran Benefits Coordinator at vao@ucsd.edu. You can also visit our Military Affiliated Students website for more information.
Degrees and Diplomas
Connect with Academic Records at academicrecords@ucsd.edu. If applicable, make sure to include your student PID so we can better assist you.
Readmission (Undergraduates)
Questions about readmission for undergraduate students can be directed to readmissions@ucsd.edu. You can also visit How to Apply for Readmission for more information.
Please email registrar@ucsd.edu. If applicable, make sure to include your PID so we can better assist you.
Enroll in Classes Outside UC San Diego
If you are an undergraduate student, you may be eligible to take classes at other institutions through various special enrollment programs we offer.
California Residency
Learn about how the University of California establishes residence for tuition purposes.
Summer Session
During the summer you can: Accelerate progress towards your degree.... Enroll in courses that are difficult to enroll in during the fall, winter or spring quarters.... Enhance your career prospects.....Enrich your cultural and intellectual knowledge
UCSD Alumni is your connection to the greater campus community and more than 150,000 alumni worldwide.
If you are interested in ordering a transcript or viewing your Academic History, you are eligible to use Social Login.
Faculty & Staff
FERPA on-line training is now available and required of all faculty and staff before new or continued electronic access is granted to student records. Electronic student records include: ISIS, Canvas, Blink Instruction Tools and the Data Warehouse. Training is necessary to protect the privacy of and access to student records in a manner consistent with applicable laws, regulations and University of California policies.
Blink's Student/Class Info tab has tools and procedures for enrollment, scheduling, grading, and data processing.